After any investment in the development of a new software system, a company will generally spend twice as much time and money on maintenance after the first release of the software. Studies have shown that 40% of all software failures could have been avoided even before the source code was compiled. Approximately 10% of all the code supplied to test and integration projects from development projects is not even testable! Software failure is currently responsible for a great deal of unnecessary expense, most of which can be avoided through the application of simple rules and methods.
Professor Les Hatton
Professor Les Hatton is well-known internationally for his many contributions to Safer Software Engineering. He started his scientific career as a geophysicist and was awarded the 1987 Conrad Schlumberger Prize for computational geophysics. Since switching careers in 1990, he has published many technical papers in IEEE TSE, IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, Nature, IEEE Software, IEEE Computer and others. In 1995, he published the widely cited book “Safer C: Developing Software in High-Integrity and Safer-Critical Systems”, which helped influence the use of safer programming methods in embedded control systems around the world. More than 6,000 engineers have attended the course based on this in the last 15 years. His latest book appeared in 2011 and is entitled “Email Forensics: Eliminating Spam, Scams and Phishing“.
He has been listed in the leading scholars of Software Systems Engineering by the Journal of Systems and Software and is currently Professor of Forensic Software Engineering at Kingston University, London. He is on the editorial board of IEEE Software and along with Michiel van Genuchten, co-edits the popular Software Impact column.
Course Content
The course is fully illustrated with examples taken from real systems, and offers many surprising facts and important clues on how to create more reliable software. The significance of the new C standards C9x, C11x and the MISRA C standards for developers are assessed. The principles are taught using numerous workshops.
To create an understanding of how various categories of software failure occur. To provide a solid, stable foundation for the development of systems on which high demands are placed in terms of availability, fault tolerance and stability. The ultimate objective is to supply an awareness of how the majority of frequently occurring failures can be prevented.
Programmers, system designers, project managers and technical directors in all fields in which a high demand is placed on stability, fault tolerance, availability and safety.
The course is accompanied by course material in English and the book ”Safer C” by Les Hatton. The participants also receive a free license for ”Safer C ToolSet – Primer Edition”.