In this course we take a closer look at the more important news in C++. The new standards have drastically modernized the language.
Course Content
- Smaller but important changes like; Range-Based loops, Strongly Typed Enums, nullptr, Digit Separators
- Uniform Initialization
- auto and decltype
- rvalue, lvalue, rvalue reference and lvalue reference
- Type deduction rules
- Move Semantics and Perfect Forwarding
- Smart Pointers
- Lambda Expressions
- Generic Lambdas
- Initialized Lambda Captures
- STL Algorithms
- The Multithreading Library
- [[fallthrough]], [[nodiscard]], [[maybe_unused]] attribut
- constexpr lambdas
- Generalizing range-based for loops
- Capturing *this in lambdas
- Hexadecimal float point literals
The objectives for this course is to get you up and running with the latest exciting news in the C++ language. We will cover the more important aspects of the standards.
Software developers who have some C++ experience and need to brush up the skills with the latest addition in the C++11/14/17 standards.
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